I’ve worked on this project for a while to create a new design for Ping-o-matic, a service provided by WordPress & Automattic. It’s taken a while, since IntenseDebate todos are always prioritized, but overall I’m really happy with how it turned out in the end. Check out Ping-o-matic’s new design here: Ping-o-matic For anyone that… Continue reading Ping-o-matic redesign now live!
Category: Personal
Dear IE6
Thanks for revolutionizing the browser sphere 10 years ago. Darn you for stalling the browser sphere for the last 10 years. Sincerely, Isaac Keyet Post your IE6 parting message at this awesome new website: www.dearie6.com
Ny, personlig, svensk blogg…
Jag har bestämt mig för att börja blogga pÃ¥ svenska, och ta upp lite mer personliga/vardagliga saker, samt saker som jag bara kan känna för att skriva. Det kommer bli en del länkar till trevliga saker jag hittar pÃ¥ internet, musik jag lyssnar pÃ¥ för ögonblicket, och whatever else jag kan komma pÃ¥. 🙂 Besök… Continue reading Ny, personlig, svensk blogg…
How to Embed a Vimeo Video on your wordpress.com blog
This is not as simple as it seems. In the WordPress add video interface, there are no pointers on how to embed a Vimeo video specifically. Searching Vimeo support I stumbled across the solution, it’s really simple and goes as follows. Be sure to use the HTML text mode when writing your WordPress blog post… Continue reading How to Embed a Vimeo Video on your wordpress.com blog
MMS Comes to the iPhone
Just read about this, Swedish official iPhone carrier Telia will soon offer an application that, for the first time, makes MMS messaging possible with the iPhone. The company that has developed this iPhone app is called Mobispine AB, and their press release of the product looks promising. Apparently it’s a white-label solution that Telia will… Continue reading MMS Comes to the iPhone
IRC Lingo
I’ve not used IRC before, but now I have to since most of Automattic’s internal discussions are happening in an IRC channel. So I was looking around, trying to find general IRC commands but didn’t find anything. So here’s what I’ve learned so far: /join #roomnamehere To join a chat room within an IRC channel,… Continue reading IRC Lingo
IntenseDebate WordPress plugin 2.0 is out of the bag!
I’m happy to report that the fabled second version of our IntenseDebate plugin is now out there, running wild. We’ve had incredible numbers of installs the past few days, and it’s a lot of fun seeing it being used. The biggest change with the new plugin is that it automatically syncs comments back and forth… Continue reading IntenseDebate WordPress plugin 2.0 is out of the bag!
Barack Obama & Martin Luther King
So true…
Review Of Chosr, A “Quicksilver” Startpage
This was news to me. I stumbled across this article about Chosr, a web based command like interface that works just like Quicksilver. (Read more about Quicksilver here.) The idea is that as soon as you open a new tab in your browser, the startpage (Chosr) appears and lets you type in what you want… Continue reading Review Of Chosr, A “Quicksilver” Startpage
Jospressen – Hacken Mixen Pulverizen
Best song this week. Once again mysterious Swedish tunes..