MMS Comes to the iPhone

Just read about this, Swedish official iPhone carrier Telia will soon offer an application that, for the first time, makes MMS messaging possible with the iPhone. The company that has developed this iPhone app is called Mobispine AB, and their press release of the product looks promising. Apparently it’s a white-label solution that Telia will get in on.

While many people argue that you might as well send an email with the image you just took, fact is most older phones don’t support email reading in a manageable fashion, plus most users would not set up an email account anyway.

1 comment

  1. Hopefully, this will work better than stumbling around on their site trying to retrieve an MMS message. I have received two … and after that … I could just not be bothered to fumble around on the telia website. I will be back in Sweden in a few days, so will be excited to try this new app outz! Thanks for the info!

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