IntenseDebate Got Acquired!

Today, IntenseDebate officially got acquired by the fabulous company Automattic, the makers of both and!

Here’s IntenseDebate’s Tom Keller and Toni Schneider talking about the acquisition at the SF TechStars event:

I’m super excited about the deal, and starting to work for Automattic. I feel like this is what we’ve been working for for the past 1.5 years, and now we’re finally there… And it’s an amazing feeling.

I’m off to have some champagne. Yay for us, IntenseDebate Team!

Go read Jon’s Blog Post about the acquisition, and TechCrunch, and the TechStars Blog, and Andrew Hyde’s Blog, and Mashable, and Matt Mullenwegs blog, and Toni Schneider’s blog (CEO Automattic), and IntenseDebate’s own blog post about the acquisition, and… Many more.


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