My Dvorak journey, part 1

I work for a company called Automattic, which is very much pro-alternate keyboard use. Dvorak in particular is commonly accepted as the way to go. Perhaps the biggest Dvorak evangelist I’ve ever met is Matt, who incidentally is also the founder of Automattic. After reading the Dvorak zine and hearing only good things about making… Continue reading My Dvorak journey, part 1

WordCamp Seattle!

This week I traveled to the coffee and PC city of Northern America to hang out with a bunch of cool people at WordCamp Seattle. The weather makes me feel at home and the city is beautiful. Looking forward to seeing more of it this Sunday.

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WordPress Firefox persona

Although I’m mostly using Chrome and other webkit-powered browsers these days, Firefox still has a place in my heart (and FF4 is actually really fast). One of the cool things you can do with it is easily create skins, or “personas” for it. Introducing the “WordPress – Code Is Poetry” persona, a clean and simple… Continue reading WordPress Firefox persona

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Time to start blogging again.

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