I’m speaking at WordCamp San Francisco!

Boom, done. Finally submitted the title and description of my State of the Mobile Word talk for WordCamp San Francisco ’12. It feels good to have it over with. Oh wait, the presentation itself is still only drafted and I need to practice lots more. Dang.

In all seriousness it’s going to be awesome to attend the grand daddy of all WordCamps again. Last time I was on the attendees list was back in 2010 and I thoroughly missed participating last year. But no hard feelings! I know you still love me, SF. I’m going to rock your trolley.

Preparing for my trip I should probably do something about this blog. As in actually posting more often, maybe posting about stuff that actually matters (this would be great), perhaps even a refresh or dare I say a new theme? While edgy and innovative, this blog’s design is, to put it bluntly, undigestible and rather ugly. The notion that line breaks are evil and uncool definitely didn’t help.

Yes, it is time for something new.

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