New, flashy user menus for IntenseDebate!

User menu design for IntenseDebate by Isaac KeyetA few days ago we went live with some new user menus for the IntenseDebate plugin. I’ve made the design of course, and while they’re meant to resemble the looks of the old menus in a lot of ways, there are some notable differences. The most striking change is of course the avatar being a part of the popup as this was not the case before. An enlarged avatar gives the reader a more personal and complete insight in a user profile.

The goal for the redesign was to remove non-vital elements from the menu, items that you’re probably not interested in until you know the other stuff anyway. It now shows the username in large letters, along with the reputation meter. If you have enabled your latest twitter messages, and have a description as well, now both will show – not one or the other like it was before. This is true for the profile as well.

Of course I’m going for pixel-perfect, clean, and with fancy effects once you notice them. Hint: The “border” around the avatar is actually a semi-transparent sweet-looking box, and all buttons have fancy :hover and :active effects. All in a single CSS sprite of course. Hope you like it!


  1. I can't believe there are no comments, yet. Well, let me be the first, then. Isaac, I really do appreciate the way that we can now access information about other posters. This is great.
    Also, regarding a problem with comment numbers that I mentioned to Michael, I really am beating my head against the wall for not recognizing a 32 bit integer number, maxed out. Damn, my age has really gotten the best of me.
    You have created a master piece sir, and I salute you for it.

  2. I can't believe there are no comments, yet. Well, let me be the first, then. Isaac, I really do appreciate the way that we can now access information about other posters. This is great.

  3. Isaac, I have decided to create a blog of my own. I have been studying for a while, and realize their are many "free" ways to do this (ie Google), and some less than free. I want to create a blog that will allow me to install ID. Can you possibly find a moment to make a recommendation?

    1. Your best bet is to get your own web host (web hotel) and go from there, installing WordPress. If you're not technically experienced it might be tricky, but I'd say it's worth the trouble. If you really don't want to install your blog yourself, you can of course go with Blogger or Tumblr. Tumblr is kinda cool.

      Some hosts offer simple one-click installs of WordPress, such as

      1. Thank you, Isaac. Things have changed so much, (sigh). I am exploring your suggestions.
        Look for my own URL soon, when I am sure that I can include ID with it.

  4. Hello Isaac,

    Its been quite a long time for me to use intense debate
    Now, I am surprised IntenseDebate is growing rapidly.
    Many blogs have used it and I support your effort.
    Lastly, good luck

  5. I like the new avatars; I use your service on Is there any way to make the time that the avatar appears shorter? In other words, if you hover over it, especially inadvertently, it takes a long time for it to "go away". It obscures the verbiage one is either trying to read or write. Maybe make an "escape" option or just let it disappear quickly once the cursor moves away from it. That would be a big help. If we want to see the avatars we can hover on purpose and look at it all we want.

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