Investor day, it’s over

This was a big day in my life. I’m having a hard time believing that we’re actually done now. TechStars is “over”, and the last thing is a party at Davids house tomorrow night.. But that’s everything left. I’ve made a lot of good connections with the other founders during the summer, and have gotten to meet most of the amazing mentors they had lined up for us. It has been amazing. I’m just grateful that I’ve been given the opportunity to participate in such a program in the first place, so I’d like to personally thank David Cohen, and whoever that was involved in getting Intense Debate in TechStars. It’s been amazing. Thanks.

Investor day itself went pretty well too. The presentation went really well, no noticable hickups whatsoever, and people responded well to our product and overall idea. People seem to think that there’s definately an interesting concept that we’re trying to pull off, but not everyone seems to be sure that there’s a market for us out there. All in all though, mostly good feedback.

The other teams were really great too. I was especially impressed by Villij’s and brightkite’s presentations. They both had improved so much from when I saw them last time that I was blown away by their performances today. There were alot of interesting people in the audience too, and word is that there’s never been a VC, angels and media gathering like this ever before in Boulder. Which is, of course, good for us. It’s just fun realizing that there are actually influental people out there that really believe in what we do. Maybe that’s a personal thing, because I’m having a hard time seeing what value I bring to the table for the most time. Good is not good enough. But I was kind of surprised, and happy with the input we got.

Afterwards we all went to The Kitchen, just like planned, and had a great time. I’m not much for shouting at people in bars trying to pursue something, but tonight was great. Just getting together with the other founders before I leave over a drink was awesome. (Although I didn’t drink anything alcoholic tonight, sadly…) We’re in talks with an investment firm (that I probably should keep secret right now), but I can tell that it’s going well. We’re past the first point – we have our second meeting.

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